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Ship Chartering & Freight Solutions.
Commodity Flows & Maritime Data Insights.
Access it all. 

Core solutions


The all-in-one Dry bulk chartering

Access the most-widely used chartering platform globally:

5000+ users, 300+ companies, 100+ countries.
Benefit from complimentary and customized services
provided by experienced Customer Support
and Account Manager teams.

Learn more about AXSDry

The Tanker chartering solution
for competitive ship brokers

19+ years of leadership in supporting your chartering
business needs.

Stay on top of trends in a dynamic Tanker environment.
Take competitive actions on changing industry conditions.

Learn more about AXSTanker


The ultimate chartering, analytical
and market assessment solution

Identify the latest market trends to help you with
profitable Tanker market predictions.
Reduce analytical time and cost,
increase data-driven decisions.
Improve your overall workflow efficiency.

Learn more about Alphatanker

20+ years of proven leadership
in Liner shipping

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest world’s
services, through a detailed breakdown.
Maintain control over the worldwide fleet
and monitor your competitors.
Get real-time data, powered by AIS coverage.

Learn more about Alphaliner


Data Intelligence

The greatest combination of tools
and data to access unprecedented maritime intelligence.