We’ve made some important changes to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. We want you to know what this means for you and your data.
Access advanced trade, commercial
and technical vessel data: fixtures
history, second-hand transactions,
past port calls, consumption,
ownership details and much more.
Filter by various criteria in real-time,
such as fixture status, vessel type,
fleet code, etc. to empower your
competitive analysis.
Take advantage of live AIS data.
Search through any set of parameters.
Manage your own private fixture inserts
or access a public database.
Get that competitive advantage:
50,000+ proprietary polygons
combined with the most robust
tracking terrestrial and satelite sources
collect, analyze, clean and deliver
ever-evolving data intelligence.
Experience uniquely organized
system of ports, terminals, berths,
and anchorages.
Stay up to date with the latest bunker
prices for all fuel types, powered
by BunkerEx.
Collaborate effectively with
co-workers and keep your team
performing at their best.
Retrieve commercial vessel data, without
opening a single email with AXSReader:
All positions email data is automatically
scanned, translated and organized.
Only vessel data is captured. Any other irrelevant information is ignored.
Data deduplication optimizes identical emails.
Analyze ships, commodity movements and
trends with Trade Flows:
Macro and micro data of trade flows between zones,
countries, ports and berths.
Competition activities insights of fleet deployment.
Data is screened and pre-cleaned.
Immediate Reports.
Understand the shipping patterns that
matter to you with API Hub:
Up-to-date raw data. No time or site restrictions.
One-click integration and data injections. Full data control.
Auto-populated raw data.
Achieve brilliancy through simplicity with AXSInsights:
All-in-one industry insights on commodities, AIS speed, Ton-mile and much more.
Pre-set data visualization help you tell impactful stories.
Pre-built maritime insights for you to filter by, segment and interact with various parameters.